Science and Innovation for Development - this is progress.

David Dickson, director of the Science and Development Network, has started a blog focusing on the role of science and technology in meeting social and economic needs of developing countries. And he's kicked it off by blogging his reflections at two important meetings.

The first is the World Bank's Global Forum on 'Building Science, Technology, and Innovation Capacity for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction', which is taking place in Washington DC from 13-15 February (now).

The second is the annual meeting of the American Assocation for the Advancement of Science, being held in San Francisco on 16-19 February, at which issues of concern to developing countries are (for once!) high on the agenda.

David's initial post is about the reappearance of science and technology in the World Bank's agenda. As David says, this is good news. But work is required to ensure that "that science and technology meet the needs of the poor".

Using public weblogs for keeping notes and thoughts of meetings for these established and well-connected institutions is definitely progress towards more open and transparent development work. Let's keep it up.

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